Omar AlAttas



Omar AlAttas

Pada minggu yang lepas, aku menghabiskan masa hujung minggu dengan baik sekali.. bak kata omputih… weekend well spent!

Jadi, paginya aku memulakan aktiviti morning di sekitar Cyberjaya Lakeside dan Tasik Putrajaya. Last aku ke sini pada Disember 2023 yang lepas. Yelah, sejak taman rekreasi Lakefront berhampiran dengan rumah aku dah dibuka. Aku selalu walk kat situ je. Tapi sebenarnya, aku pun dah lama tak morning walk sebab mood tengah malas! Hahaha.

Anyway, selesai morning walk, aku breakfast di Medan Selera Precint 9 Putrajaya. Kalau di sini, aku mesti akan pilih gerai Selera Johor. So, kalau korang Johorean atau yang teringin nak makan masakan Johor, boleh pergi sini. Macam-macam menu disediakan antaranya laksa Johor, mee rebus, lontong kering, nasi ambeng, soto dan pelbagai lagi.

Selesai breakfast, aku sambung lagi aktiviti ke Wetland Studios Putrajaya. Ini merupakan kali ketiga aku ke sini. Pertama pergi dengan family adik aku. Then second tu pergi dengan Shezz dan anak-anak Fatin. Dua-dua trip ni aku tak ambil video sangat sebab dok melayan kerenah budak-budak. So, kali ni aku memang purposely pergi nak record video. Bagusnya, time aku pergi ni tak ramai orang, so takde la bersesak-sesak macam pi masa cuti sekolah hari tu. Dapatlah record serba sedikit untuk share dengan korang.

Untuk pengetahuan korang, Wetland Studios ni telah dibangunkan oleh KRU Studios dengan kerjasama syarikat lain dan hasilnya pada aku jauh lebih baik berbanding dengan display sebelum. Dulu pamerannya sangat sendu. Sekarang ni, pamerannya dimeriahkan dengan pelbagai elemen interaktif, kesan visual dan sebagainya dan menjadikan pembelajaran di sini lebih menarik terutamanya untuk kanak-kanak.

Pameran di sini mempunyai 3 kategori utama iaitu Dinosaur Encounter, Deep Sea Treasures dan The Great Migration. Banyak info yang boleh diperolehi di sini. Cuma, bagi aku ruang pamerannya agak kecil. Yelah, bangunan asalnya pun memang cuma 3 tingkat je. Tapi apapun, ia menarik untuk dikunjungi seisi keluarga.

Harga tiketnya pula RM30 untuk dewasa dan RM15 untuk kanak-kanak. Okay la kot… tapi kalau lagi murah lagi bagus! Hahaha. Cuma aku tak puasa hati harga gambar kat photostation yang mereka ambil tu berharga RM 55 untuk satu frame. Mahal gilerrr!!! Kalau murah, sure ramai yang consider untuk beli. Ni rugi je.. dok print, tapi tak semua nak beli. Membazir…

The Smart Local

Wetlands Studio Putrajaya: Indoor Theme Park In Putrajaya With Life-Sized Dinosaurs & A Mesmerising Jellyfish Zone

Wetlands Studio Putrajaya: Indoor Theme Park In Putrajaya With Life-Sized Dinosaurs & A Mesmerising Jellyfish Zone

The Smart Local

Picture the otherworldly settings of Avatar and Jurassic Park coming together – that’s what you can expect to experience at Wetlands Studio Putrajaya. This indoor theme park has gigantic animatronic prehistoric figures and a mesmerising zone featuring iridescent sea creatures that seem to float in mid-air – think the jellyfish-like Woodsprites from Avatar.

Here’s what you can expect to see on a trip here:

An indoor theme park with two levels of animal exhibits

Step inside Wetlands Studio Putrajaya, tucked away in Putrajaya, and you’ll be transported to a world of elaborate trees and LED vines – you’ll feel like you’ve stepped right into a jungle. Spread across two levels, the 12 exhibits here offer families and curious souls alike the opportunity to explore the wonders of the natural ecosystem.  

One of the first exhibits you’ll come across here is Insectopia, where you’ll encounter a fascinating array of creepy crawlies in all their colourful delight. A plethora of well-lit giant insects, such as spiders and dragonflies, “roam” the area.

At Dinosaur Encounter, visitors can look forward to getting to meet a prehistoric creature in the flesh. The animal displays are animatronic figures that are able to move – so don’t be freaked when you see the figures of Pachycephalosaurus and Meraxes start to open their jaws and twist their necks. 

Other animatronic animals that you can encounter are at the Jungle Jive and Stegodon’s Big Break, where the humongous life-sized Stegodon – known as the largest land animal of its time – and the Megalodon in all in its majestic bare-fanged glory can be found.

Free Malaysia Today

Wetland Studios Putrajaya offers fun learning for the family

Wetland Studios Putrajaya offers fun learning for the family

Free Malaysia Today

PUTRAJAYA: Want to get your kids away from the tablet or television screen? Why not head to Wetland Studios Putrajaya for an entertaining day trip during which you and the kids can learn about nature?

Located about half an hour away from Kuala Lumpur city centre, this edutainment centre is the result of an agreement between KRU Studios and Perbadanan Putrajaya’s Taman Wetlands.

About 70,000 paying visitors have gone to Wetland Studios since it opened its doors last May.

“Putrajaya is a beautiful place with a vast ecosystem and many nature-themed activities can be done here,” executive chairman of Wetland Studios Sdn Bhd Norman Abdul Halim told FMT Lifestyle.

“We hope to dispel the rigid impression that people only come here for government or official business.”

What does Wetland Studios have in store, then?

When visitors go through the doors, they’ll be greeted with a jungle-like scene with artificial trees and LED-illuminated vines, reminiscent of a scene out of James Cameron’s Avatar.

The exhibitions are currently split into two levels. The ground floor houses displays of land creatures and the upper floor has birds and other winged creatures. A lower ground level that will be housing underwater creatures will be launched next month.

The first exhibit is named Insectopia. It’s filled with giant prehistoric insects and creepy crawlers such as spiders and dragonflies. The combination of animatronics and lights lends realism to the replicas, and they are certainly not for the faint of heart.

The next hall, called Dinosaur Encounter, would see your childhood dreams materialise. Visitors can see impressive specimens of dinosaurs like the long-necked Brachiosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Malaysia’s very own Spinosaurus, whose fossil was found in Pahang in February 2014.

There’s also a life-size model of the Stegodon, the largest living land animal in its time and an extinct relative of the elephant. Hidden behind it is the entrance to a secret cave, filled with cave drawings in UV lights that’ll delight your kids.

Up next is the Jungle Jive, where a variety of animals such as tapirs, crocodiles, tigers and a pair of orangutan brothers will move their paws to greet you as you walk past. A perfect spot for a family or group picture.

Head to the upper ground level and be amazed with the annual migration of birds through the wetlands. A diverse range of migratory birds such as storks, cranes and waterfowls as well as resident species like herons and egrets are displayed high up on the ceiling. This is to deepen visitors’ understanding of their crucial role in biodiversity. Replicas of several flamingos can also be found here.

For an immersive experience, give the Virtual Reality ride a go. Don the headset and go on a roller coaster ride in which you’ll find yourself soaring through the skies and seeing dinosaurs up close.

There’s also an eduplay centre where children can watch performances from KRU Studio’s KiKaKo Kids, lovable mascots in the form of water droplets. They highlight the importance of environmental awareness.

“I think it’s important for us to be responsible global citizens, protecting our future generation as well as doing all we can to not disrupt nature and the animals’ way of life,” Norman said.

Follow Putrajaya Wetlands Studio on Facebook and Instagram; or head to its official website.

Putrajaya Wetlands Studio
Persiaran Persekutuan
Presint 13
62300 Putrajaya

Opening hours: 10.00am-7.00pm daily

Entry fees:

  • RM25: Adults (13 years and above)
  • RM15: Senior citizens (over 65 years)
  • RM15: Kids (four-12 years)
  • Free: Kids up to three years